Support to host free meetups and their blockchain course that aims to familiarize Nepalese developers with the key elements of blockchain through project-based learning.
Community-driven project that provides neutral crypto metrics and develops tools for gathering data and building websites that visualize the data in practical ways for the community.
Sponsorship of Devcon-related meetups and watch parties around the globe, with the purpose of decentralizing Devcon VI and boosting local Ethereum communities.
Side event during Devcon VI to bring together the builders and organizers of the Latin American projects that participated in the quadratic funding round.
Supporting Ethereum Honduras in their community-building efforts, which include hosting meetups, creating educational content, and organizing grants programs.
Support for Ethereum Uruguay to bring web3 content to Punta Tech for the first time via educating attendees, onboarding them to web3, and organizing workshops.
Physical event held in Lagos, Nigeria geared towards introducing high school students and teachers to blockchain and Ethereum, and a virtual event educating the general public on Ethereum’s developments and layer 2s.
Online course in Ukrainian covering the fundamentals of blockchain technology, smart contracts, and Solidity, with lecture videos accessible on Prometheus and Youtube.
Workshop held in Tel Aviv, Israel, to promote the standardization of ZK proof cryptography and increase the engagement of companies and researchers worldwide.
Program comprising lectures and tutorials that explore recent advances in blockchain technology, including consensus protocols, smart contracts, and bridges. Hosted in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Project developing ZK circuits for verifying claims regarding the current state of Ethereum, backed by the signatures of the entire Ethereum validator set. These ZK circuits will then be utilized in light client smart contracts.
Dashboard that aggregates and monitors Ethereum validators belonging to well-known entities, such as staking pools and exchanges. Further develop an open-source Golang tool to allow monitoring validators at scale.
Open Zeppelin to audit the security of Ethereum’s codebase.
Consensus layer
Validator client that prevents equivocation enforced through trusted hardware and remote attestation, is compatible with existing consensus clients and MEV-Boost.
Cryptography & zero knowledge proofs
Benchmarking Modern ZK Proof Systems with AI Primitives
Whitepaper that provides comprehensive guidance on the selection of ZK proofs for given AI use cases, elaborating on topics such as performance metrics for the different proof systems (across prove time and memory) and the common AI primitives/bench-objects which meaningfully test these systems.
Cryptography & zero knowledge proofs
BLISH Cryptography Course
Series of free, cryptography-related lectures and workshops for students in Ukraine with strong mathematical skills.
Building a robust product-market fit roadmap for BlockWallet—a privacy-focused, non-custodial browser extension wallet that enables users to store funds and interact with blockchain applications privately.
Write Circom circuits to perform ZK proofs of ECDSA signatures. To be used in an application that will allow users to anonymously prove membership of a group of addresses on the fly.
Cryptography & zero knowledge proofs
Exploring the Feasibility of MACI in MPC
Lev Alexandrovich Soukhanov and Yaroslav Rebenko Alekseevich
Research on the mathematical issues that need to be understood and prototypes that need to be built in order to estimate whether minimal anti-collusion infrastructure (MACI) in multi-party computation (MPC) is feasible.
Continued development of TAZ, which will enable end-users to easily try anonymity apps and developers to use the codebase as a starting point to learn, customize, or build their own applications.
Developing a protocol that implements a commit-reveal scheme where provers try to prove that the evaluation score of their testing data fits inside predetermined error bounds, thus lowering the costs of generating proofs of validity for neural networks.
Platform for machine learning developers to quickly convert their models trained in Tensorflow and PyTorch into a ZK-compatible one. Will include a library of Circom circuits, a Python-Circom translator, and a dapp that hosts, verifies, and pays out bounties.
Free, open-source, and community-reviewed tutorials on Ethereum development (e.g. Solidity, Ethers.js) in Mandarin Chinese, with bilingual (English-Chinese) translations in progress.
Execution layer
Research on ‘Commitment’ Against Front-Running Attacks
Game-theoretic analysis of front-running attacks, specifically studying the feasibility of using new commit-reveal methods as a potential remedy to the issue.
Research assessing the issues encountered by those with accessibility needs when navigating the web3 ecosystem, to generate a set of tailored community- and WCAG-informed best practices.
Research into the development and implementation of an improved Skip Graph algorithm for decentralized search that can tolerate adversarial peers, and how this tool can be used to store a complete Ethereum transaction history.
Research and analytics for an information hub related to stablecoins risk factors.
Indirect funding
Technical Challenges in Enterprise Ethereum
Continued exploration of issues and solutions for enterprise users of Ethereum in areas including decentralized identity, NIST standards alignment, Baseline protocol specification, and layer 2 standards and specifications.